What are some of the biggest challenges facing sales organizations today?

From our position as a global sales training firm, We has partnered with some of the world’s leading organizations to provide comprehensive total solutions and sales training programs for their sales team members to improve performance and reach revenue goals. As part of our detailed customization process, We interviews several top stakeholders within its client organization to understand needs, challenges, and areas for development.

Our proprietary methodology for acquiring and analyzing this information leads to valuable insight, trends and solutions and, as a result, You Smart Consulting is able to provide value-added solutions to our client partners. We present the following list below which represents some of the most pressing challenges that we have seen sales organizations face the last 12 months.



Sales Training Program Structure

Lead generation (social selling, cold calling and email campaigns)
Initial repo and relationship building (Prospecting)
Doing deep dive in their business and analysis of their problems and presenting right solutions.
Objection handling
Implementation of CRM systems, sales pipeline management and follow ups techniques.
Building urgency
Targets (daily new meetings and , new prospects, new leads, — weekly and monthly conversions)
Closing the deal
Knowledge and expertise building discipline, daily routine and habits
Energy and aggression connecting with your personal targets
Handling daily rejections psychologically and how to keep pressing forward-

Strong Goal Setting and Lead Generation Strategies

How to find Clients Database and Contact Information faster?

How to find Clients contact details using Crunchbase, Linkedin and Search Engines?

Best Strategies to deal with Gatekeepers/Reception.

How to Engage Clients in 20-30 seconds without losing their attention in 2024?

How to create a catchy value proposition to present your solution and get attention faster?

Difference between hard selling & consultative advisory approach

How to build trust and confidence for an amazing first Impression?

Ways to uncover Client requirements & deep buying motivation

Best questions to ask & terrible questions to avoid

How to qualify your prospects for better & faster selling?

Effective Relationship Building Strategies

Sales conversations and meeting structures with IRCSP framework

Measurement of important KPIs for higher daily performance

Perfect timings for followup Schedule, frequency and messages for faster conversions

Strategic management of your time and efforts for higher sales productivity

12 touchpoints strategy for higher engagement with messaging, emails and execution plan

Understanding and providing solutions on your specific industry and latest challenges

Reviewing your call recordings, messages, email templates etc. for training customisation

Inputs are used to customise the training program for your maximum performance improvement

Learning the implementation of CRM system, building sales pipeline and data management with the latest sales technology tools

Sales conversion strategy- New unique tools, Urgency point for Particular months, All round communication

Significance of consistent follow ups in closing 3x deals faster. Learn to do effective Sales follow ups for all kinds of clients.

Frameworks to handle clients Objections such as - Not Interested at this time, Busy and connect later, Send me an Email etc and how to turn it into a winning situation with LAAP Framework.

Program Guidelines And Durations

Training Medium
Virtual Live Trainer - Operated On Zoom
Training Duration
1 month| 1 Hrs per day (MWF)
Sales Activities
live mock sessions & practice sessions included
sales training portal
Access to our sales training portal with training material in the form of PDFs & ebooks and videos

Our Packages

Sales Greatness Enablement And Live Training Program
Standard price- $2000
Limited time offer- $999
Lifetime Access To Our Sales Training Portal
Standard price- $1000
Limited time offer- $499


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